
Prophecy Girl

In this episode!

  • Dr asks what can possibly happen now that The Master is gone. Mark suggests the show can turn into Scooby Doo.
  • Gotta say here, if you actually know us in real life there’s way more subtext.
  • All of w’s kvetching aside, it’s not Mark’s fault that he got lost (again!) in subordinate clauses.
  • A vampire who won’t deign to drink your blood? That’s some hard core disrespect.
  • The prophecy of Hosea was fulfilled by “more or less an Uber ride that you didn’t care for.”
  • For some reason, it’s kind of funny that Giles has a horseshoe over his doorway.

And so much more! This is the last Buffy episode of Season One. Watch the show first, then listen in here, and come back next week for the season summary. Shout out to Dr’s sister Becky and our mystery fan in Germany!